- Corrugated cardboard;
- Pencil;
- Scissors;
- Stationery knife;
- Glue;
- Colored paper;
- Air paints (Elmer’s glue, shaving foam, any dye);
- Brush.
1. Trace the CD on the corrugated cardboard. And also its inner part.
2. Departing 1 cm from the circle, draw another circle.
3. Cut out the circle as well as the inside with a stationery knife.
4. Draw a horizontal line on one side and semicircular lines on the other, as if the donut was bitten off.
5. Cut off the excess.
6. Trace the blank on the corrugated cardboard.
7. Prepare 10 details.
8. Place your phone on the donut and circle it.
9. Draw vertical lines for the wire hole.
10. Cut off the excess.
11. Circle the details on the other donut.
12. Cut out with a stationery knife.
13. Prepare four donuts this way.
14. Place the details on the other donut and trace only the wire hole strip.
15. Cut out the strip with a stationery knife.
16. Cut out four donuts this way.
17. Glue the details together.
18. Glue the remaining two donuts on top, without cutouts.
19. Tape the side with strips of colored paper.
20. Trace the blank on colored paper.
21. Cut out two donuts and glue them on the front side and back side of the blank.
22. Let’s paint the blank with air paints. You can easily make them yourself. Mix Elmer’s glue, shaving foam and any dye. Apply paint to the donut.
23. Spread with a brush.
24. Apply a second coat of paint and spread again with a brush.
25. Add sprinkling out of colored paper.
Donut phone holder is ready!