How To Draw Pent

Drawing a pentagon can be a tricky task, but with the right instructions, anyone can learn how to do it. This post will provide an easy to follow guide for drawing pentagons by dividing the shape into triangles and squares. Whether you are an experienced artist or a beginner, this post will help you draw a pentagon with ease.

Step 1

How To Draw Pent step 1 Draw, Dress

Step 2

How To Draw Pent step 2 Draw, Dress

Step 3

How To Draw Pent step 3 Draw, Dress

Step 4

How To Draw Pent step 4 Draw, Dress

Step 5

How To Draw Pent step 5 Draw, Dress

Step 6

How To Draw Pent step 6 Draw, Dress

Step 7

How To Draw Pent step 7 Draw, Dress

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