How To Make Rainbow out of hearts Notebooks
Materials Cardboard; Paper; Colored paper; Pencil; Ruler; Scissors; Glue. Preparation: 1. Trace the heart template on paper. 2. Draw 7 hearts. 3. Cut them out. 4. Cut out 7 smaller hearts of different colors from colored paper. 5. Glue the colored hearts to the white ones. 6. Cut a strip of paper along the entire […]
How To Make Notebook-antistress Notebooks
Materials Colored paper; Cardboard; Notebook; Pencil, markers; Scissors; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut a 7 * 7 cm square out of yellow paper. Fold along the dotted lines. 2. Fold the top and bottom corners towards the center. 3. Fold the top and bottom sides towards the center. 4. Fold the left side. 5. Spread, then […]
How To Make Astronauts Notebooks
Materials Colored paper; Markers; Scissors; Glue. Preparation: 1. Fold A4 sheet in half. 2. And again in half. 3. Spread out and fold in half on the other side. 4. And again in half. 5. Straighten and cut along the dotted lines. 6. Fold the outermost rectangles up. 7. Fold the rectangles with an accordion […]
How To Make Cats Notebooks
Components Paper; Glue; Markers; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Cut a 2.5 * 29.7 cm strip of white paper. Fold it in half. 2. Fold in half again. 3. Once again in half. 4. And again. 5. Straighten the strip. 6. Fold it like an accordion. 7. Cut a strip of 2 * 8 cm from […]
How To Make Unicorn Notebooks
Components Notepad; Paper; Nail polish; Craft foam, sponge (cardboard); Sequins; Pompons. Preparation: 1. Put a white sheet of paper on the cover. 2. For drawig the eyes, circle a plastic cap with a pencil. 3. Add pupils and color the eyes with a black marker. 4. Draw a smile. 5. Draw a blush and a […]
How To Make Panda Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard; Pencil; Glue; Markers (paints); Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Prepare the template. Circle the cardboard cover for the notebook and the sheets for it. 2. Cut out the cover and sheets. 3. Secure the sheets with clamps and apply a strip of hot glue (E600 glue) to one side. 4. Draw a panda […]
How To Make With slime Notebooks
Components Notebook; Slime; Zip package; Cardboard (foam sheet); Paints; Glue; Markers; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Let’s prepare the slime. Mix equal proportions of glue and shaving foam. 2. Add dye and borax to the resulting mass. 3. Mix thoroughly. Slime is ready! 4. Take a notebook or notebook with a cardboard cover. 5. Print or draw […]
How To Make TV Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Transparent plastic; Duct tape; Markers; Stapler; Pencil; Ruler; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Cut out the blank from colored cardboard to the size in the photo. 2. Cut a 10 * 8 cm rectangle out of paper and circle it on the workpiece. 3. Round the edges. 4. Cut out the inside. 5. Fold […]
How To Make Out of the notebook Notebooks
Components Notebook; Colored paper; Pencil; Markers; Ruler; Glue; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Measure 10 cm from the edge of the notebook and cut off any excess. 2. Circle a piece of colored paper folded in half. 3. Cut out colored paper. 4. Glue one piece of colored paper to the blank. 5. Then the second piece. […]
How To Make Pencils Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Paints (felt-tip pens); Stapler (needle, thread); Toothpick; Elastic thread (old hair elastic); Scissors; Key chain. Preparation: 1. On a piece of paper, use a ruler to draw vertical and horizontal lines that cross each other. 2. In the resulting square, draw two lines to form a corner. 3. Cut out the […]