How To Make Ice Cream Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Hole punch; Keychain ring. Preparation: 1. Draw ice cream on paper. These will be ice cream templates that we will use to make notebooks. 2. Cut out templates-drawings and circle them on cardboard. 3. Color in the front and back of the notebook. 4. Take a template-drawing and trace it […]
How To Make Сups Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Glue; Velcro. Preparation: 1. Cut the rectangle to the dimensions shown in the photo. 2. Draw details to make a cup. 3. Cut off excess and fold along the lines. This will be the cover of the notebook. 4. Draw a cute face on the cover. 5. Add ears. 6. […]
How To Make Unicorn Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Stapler; Glue; Scissors; Duct tape. Preparation: 1. Cut a rectangle 29 * 11 cm out of cardboard. 2. Fold in half. This will be the cover for the notebook. Draw the face of a unicorn on the front side. 3. From white paper or notebook sheets, cut sheets for a […]
How To Make Cakes Notebooks
Components Colored paper (cardboard); Pencil; Paints; Markers; Velcro; Glue; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Cut out a piece of cardboard according to the dimensions shown in the photo. 2. Fold along the lines. 3. Cut the extreme part along a wavy line. 4. Paint the inside with felt pens. 4. Color the outside. Notebook cover is […]
How To Make Fried eggs Notebooks
Components Colored paper (cardboard); Pencil; Paints; Markers; Duct tape; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. On cardboard, circle a round object and add a handle to make a frying pan with a handle. 2. Color in the drawing. 3. Cut it out. 4. Trace the round object on the cardboard again. 5. Paint the edges of the […]
How To Make With puzzles Notebooks
Components Notepad; Puzzles; Paper; Paints; Sponge; Clips. Preparation: 1. At first, collect the puzzles. 2. Turn it over. For convenience, put a piece of paper under the puzzles and on it, and turn the design. 3. Number each puzzle. 4. Paint the front side of each puzzle using a sponge. 5. Glue the cover with […]
How To Make Winter notebooks Notebooks
Components Colored paper; Cardboard; Pencil; Paints; Markers; Glue; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Draw and cut out notebook templates. 2. Trace the template on the stack of colored paper. Circle the mitten. The gift. And the christmas tree. 3. Cut the sheets out. 4. Apply a strip of glue to one side. 5. Secure with clamps […]
How To Make Bears Notebooks
Components Paper; Colored cardboard; Pencil; Paints; Glue; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Fold A4 sheet in half and again in half. Spread out the sheet and fold it in half and again in half on the other side. 2. Fold 3 sheets in this way and cut along the fold lines. 3. Collect the sheets. 4. […]
How To Make Christmas notebooks Notebooks
Components Colored paper; Pencil; Markers; Glue; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Fold A4 sheet along the fold lines, as shown in the photo. Fold the sheet in half, then in half again. 2. Fold the sheet in half on the other side. 3. And again in half. 4. Straighten the workpiece and make cuts along the […]
How To Make Mermaid tail Notebooks
Components Notepad; Colored paper; Gift paper; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut out circles of color and gift paper of the same size. 2. Stick to the cover, starting from the bottom row.