How To Make With a cactus Notebooks
Components Notebook; Colored cardboard; Paints; Black marker; Glue. Preparation: 1. Draw a finished notebook on a colored cardboard and cut it out. 2. Draw a cactus with a pencil and color it. 3. Add thorns, a flower and a kawaii face. 4. Cover the bottom of the cover with colored or decorative paper. 5. Stick […]
How To Make Magic notebook Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); White paper; Paints; Liquid soap; Markers; Glue. Preparation: 1. Stick white paper on the cover of the notebook. Fold the excess part and seal it to the back cover. 2. Paint the cover with markers of different colors. 3. Then wrap it with transparent scotch tape. 4. Place black acrylic paints in […]
How To Make Liquid notebook Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); White paper; Transparent tubes; Food color; Glue. Preparation: 1. Put white paper on the cover of the notebook. Fold the excess part and seal it to the back cover. 2. Cut the extra part of the transparent tubes on the height of the notebook. 3. Clamp the end of the tube with […]
How To Make With pompoms Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); Pompons; Glue. Preparation: Glue pompons on strong glue to notebook. Quick and easy!
How To Make With slime Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); Paints; Sponge; Transparent slime; Sequins; Zip package. Preparation: 1. Make a unicorn pattern. Circle it on the cover of the notebook. 2. Cut it out. 3. Using a sponge, lightly paint the paper as if on a photo, as if you were putting paint into the paper. 4. Tear out the stained […]
How To Make With squishy Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); Colored paper; Squishy; Nail polish; Glue. Preparation: 1. Stick a sheet of blue paper on the cover of the notebook. Cut off the excess. 2. Place the cloud-shaped squishy on the cover. Circle with pencil and draw a rainbow. 3. Paint the rainbow with nail polishes of different colors. Glue the squishy […]
How To Make With orbiz balls Notebooks
Components Notepad (notebook); Transparent plastic; Orbiz Balls; Glue. Preparation: 1. Put Orbis balls in the water, wait until it swells, then pull them out. 2. Make a pocket of transparent plastic to the size of a notebook. 3. Wrap the edge with parchment paper and use a flat iron for the hair. Connect all the […]
How To Make Emoji Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard (craft foam); Markers; Glue. Preparation: Make three notebooks with different emotions. 1. Circle a glass or mug on a craft foam or cardboard. Make 6 circles. Cut them out. 2. Repeat the same on a stack of sheets of white paper. Cut them out. 3. Apply glue to the stack of leaves […]
How To Make Pineapple Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard; Markers; Glue. Preparation: 1. Make a pineapple pattern. Circle it on white paper and cut it out. The number of sheets you choose. 2. Apply glue to one side of the pineapple. Secure with a clamp and leave to dry for 5 minutes. 3. Prepare the cover. Pineapple pattern circle on the […]
How To Make Watermelon Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard; Markers; Glue. Preparation: 1. Prepare sheets for notebook. Choose number of sheets. 2. Apply glue on one side. Secure with a clamp and leave to dry for 5 minutes. 3. For the cover, draw two circles, place them close together and connect with two lines. 4. Cut the workpiece, receding a couple […]