How To Make Panda Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard; Pencil; Glue; Markers (paints); Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Prepare the template. Circle the cardboard cover for the notebook and the sheets for it. 2. Cut out the cover and sheets. 3. Secure the sheets with clamps and apply a strip of hot glue (E600 glue) to one side. 4. Draw a panda […]
How To Make With slime Notebooks
Components Notebook; Slime; Zip package; Cardboard (foam sheet); Paints; Glue; Markers; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Let’s prepare the slime. Mix equal proportions of glue and shaving foam. 2. Add dye and borax to the resulting mass. 3. Mix thoroughly. Slime is ready! 4. Take a notebook or notebook with a cardboard cover. 5. Print or draw […]
How To Make TV Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Transparent plastic; Duct tape; Markers; Stapler; Pencil; Ruler; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Cut out the blank from colored cardboard to the size in the photo. 2. Cut a 10 * 8 cm rectangle out of paper and circle it on the workpiece. 3. Round the edges. 4. Cut out the inside. 5. Fold […]
How To Make Out of the notebook Notebooks
Components Notebook; Colored paper; Pencil; Markers; Ruler; Glue; Scissors. Preparation: 1. Measure 10 cm from the edge of the notebook and cut off any excess. 2. Circle a piece of colored paper folded in half. 3. Cut out colored paper. 4. Glue one piece of colored paper to the blank. 5. Then the second piece. […]
How To Make Pencils Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Paints (felt-tip pens); Stapler (needle, thread); Toothpick; Elastic thread (old hair elastic); Scissors; Key chain. Preparation: 1. On a piece of paper, use a ruler to draw vertical and horizontal lines that cross each other. 2. In the resulting square, draw two lines to form a corner. 3. Cut out the […]
How To Make Ice Cream Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Hole punch; Keychain ring. Preparation: 1. Draw ice cream on paper. These will be ice cream templates that we will use to make notebooks. 2. Cut out templates-drawings and circle them on cardboard. 3. Color in the front and back of the notebook. 4. Take a template-drawing and trace it […]
How To Make Сups Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Glue; Velcro. Preparation: 1. Cut the rectangle to the dimensions shown in the photo. 2. Draw details to make a cup. 3. Cut off excess and fold along the lines. This will be the cover of the notebook. 4. Draw a cute face on the cover. 5. Add ears. 6. […]
How To Make Unicorn Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Stapler; Glue; Scissors; Duct tape. Preparation: 1. Cut a rectangle 29 * 11 cm out of cardboard. 2. Fold in half. This will be the cover for the notebook. Draw the face of a unicorn on the front side. 3. From white paper or notebook sheets, cut sheets for a […]
How To Make Cakes Notebooks
Components Colored paper (cardboard); Pencil; Paints; Markers; Velcro; Glue; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. Cut out a piece of cardboard according to the dimensions shown in the photo. 2. Fold along the lines. 3. Cut the extreme part along a wavy line. 4. Paint the inside with felt pens. 4. Color the outside. Notebook cover is […]
How To Make Fried eggs Notebooks
Components Colored paper (cardboard); Pencil; Paints; Markers; Duct tape; Scissors; Ruler. Preparation: 1. On cardboard, circle a round object and add a handle to make a frying pan with a handle. 2. Color in the drawing. 3. Cut it out. 4. Trace the round object on the cardboard again. 5. Paint the edges of the […]