How To Make One in a melon Notebooks
Components Notepad; Markers; Gift paper; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut out a semicircle from mirror gift paper of green color. 2. Cut the semicircle circle on the paper of silver color. Stepping back 1 cm from the edge, draw another line. Cut a part on it. 3. Similarly, cut a semicircle of pink paper, 1 cm. […]
How To Make Kitchen items Notebooks
Components Paper; Cardboard; Pencil; Markers; Scissors; Ruler; Duct tape; Glue. Preparation: 1. Draw a cup, bowl and saucepan on the cardboard. 2. Paint with markers and add cute faces. 3. Cut them out. 4. Trace the blanks on the cardboard. And cut them out. 5. Make a horizontal cut out of the cup and saucepan. […]
How To Make Chocolate Notebooks
Components Notebook; Craft foam (cardboard); Pencil; Markers; Scissors; Ruler; Clear matte nail polish; Glue. Preparation: 1. Trace the cover of the notebook on craft foam or cardboard. You can make a notebook yourself, see the previous tutorials for how to make it. 2. Cut the workpiece out. 3. Glue the sheet to the cover. 4. […]
How To Make Milk Notebooks
Components Colored cardboard; Paper; Pencil; Markers; Scissors; Ruler; Corrector (white nail polish); Strong glue. Preparation: 1. On a white A4 sheet, make a markup: 7-14-21-28 cm. 2. Draw lines from these points. 3. Place a few more A4 sheets under this sheet and cut the sheets along the lines. 4. Measure 10.5 cm. 5. Draw […]
How To Make Cats Notebooks
Components Colored paper; Cardboard; Pencil; Markers; Scissors; Ruler; Glue. Preparation: 1. Fold the A4 colored sheet in half, then in half again. 2. Then fold the sheet in half lengthwise, and in half again. 3. Cut into small rectangles along the fold lines. 4. Stack, secure with a clip and glue the spine with hot […]
How To Make Fabric cover Notebooks
Components Notepad; Cloth (gift bag); Cardboard; Glue. Preparation: 1. Take a gift bag or any cloth. Cut a rectangle. 2. Tape the cardboard with a cloth, fix with tape or glue. 3. Glue the cardboard to the cover.
How To Make With skulls Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Colored paper; Pencil; Ruler; Markers, paints; Scissors; E600 glue (hot glue). Preparation: 1. Fold the colored A4 sheets in half and cut. 2. Fold the sheets in half. 3. Collect in a pile, secure with clips and glue the spine with strong glue. Leave to dry. 4. Prepare a cover out of cardboard, […]
How To Make Camera Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Pencil; Ruler; Scissors; Glue; Markers; Black helium pen (liner); Colored paper; White paper; Stickers. Preparation: 1. Draw a 10 * 7 cm rectangle on the cardboard. Draw two horizontal lines. Draw some circles in the center using a round object. 2. Add buttons and round the edges. 3. Trace the drawing with a […]
How To Make Rabbit Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Pencil; Ruler; Scissors; Glue; Duct tape; Stapler; Markers; Black helium pen (liner); Colored paper; White paper; Stickers. Prepration: 1. Draw an oval on the cardboard and cut it out. 2. Trace it on cardboard and cut it out. You have two identical ovals. 3. Use a ruler to draw a line that divides […]
How To Make Unicorn Notebooks
Components Cardboard; White paper; Colored paper; Pencil; Ruler; Stapler; Scissors; Markers; Black helium pen (liner); Stickers; Duct tape; Glue. Preparation: 1. Draw the body of the unicorn on a piece of cardboard. 2. Cut it out. 3. Erase the pencil lines with an eraser. 4. Trace the blank on a piece of cardboard. 5. Cut […]