How To Make Phone Notebooks
Components Colored cardboard; Transparent plastic from packaging; Paper; Pens, pencils, markers; Keychain lace; Tape; Glue. Preparation: 1. Circle the phone on cardboard. 2. Cut the workpiece. 3. Circle it on cardboard. 4. On the sides and bottom, add lines 1 cm wide. 5. Cut the workpiece as well as the screen. 6. Out of transparent […]
How To Make Liquid mini notebook Notebooks
Components Paper, cardboard; Transparent plastic; Parchment paper; Baby oil; Food color; Metal rings from the keychain; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut out two rectangles from transparent plastic. 2. Put two rulers of the same size between them. 3. Wrap the edges of the parchment film. Hold with an iron or hair iron on three sides. Iron […]
How To Make In the form of cosmetics. Mirror Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Glue. Preparation: Mini notebooks in the form of cosmetics. Collect your cosmetic kit, which is useful for small notes. Compact and comfortable! It’s also a cool gift idea. 1. Draw a mirror on the cardboard and color it. 2. Cut the workpiece. 3. And color on the back. 4. Draw a circle […]
How To Make In the form of cosmetics. Lipstick Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Tape; Glue. Preparation: 1. On a cardboard, draw a tube of lipstick and color it. 2. Cut the blank and circle it on paper or cardboard. 3. Cut it out. 4. Glue the parts with tape, leaving the upper part unglued. It will be a pocket for sheets in the form of […]
How To Make In the form of cosmetics. Eyeshadow Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Tape; Transparent film from packaging; Velcro; Glue. Preparation: 1. Glue a cardboard 10 * 8 cm to a black sheet of paper 12 * 10 cm. 2. Fold the edges of the paper, fixing it to glue or tape. 3. Glue the white window on top with a rectangle of the same […]
How To Make In the form of cosmetics. Powder Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Tape; Ribbon; Velcro; Glue. Preparation: 1. Trace two circles on cardboard. 2. Draw the box below and color the circles. 3. Cut it out. 4. And color on the other side. 5. Cut a smaller circle out of paper or cardboard. 6. Use a marker or pencil to draw blue highlights. It […]
How To Make Unicorn Notebooks
Components Colored paper; Cardboard; Glitter; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut A4 color sheets into two equal parts. 2. Fold the sheets in half. 3. Gather sheets in a stack, fix with clamps and glue the spine with glue. 4. Cut out the cardboard for the cover to fit the sheets (plus 1 cm on each side). […]
How To Make Double-sided notebook Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Stickers; Glue. Preparation: 1. On cardboard 21 * 20 cm in size, make the marking: 8-16-24 cm above and below. 2. From these points draw three vertical lines. 3. Measure 10.5 cm above and draw a horizontal line. 4. Cut the part. 5. With a non-writing pen, draw the fold lines, and […]
How To Make With an animal print Notebooks
Components Notepad; Paints. Preparation: 1. Cover the cover of the notebook with white paint or paste over the paper. 2. With a cotton swab, draw circles of different sizes and shapes in a chaotic manner. 3. Add details with black paint. Done!
How To Make Diamond Notebooks
Components Cardboard; Paper; Disk; Lace; Glue. Preparation: 1. Cut two polygons in the shape of diamonds out of the cardboard. 2. Prepare a template of cover and cut the edges of the diamond. 3. Circle the details on the disk. 4. Carefully cut them out with a clerical knife or scissors. 5. Prepare a stack […]