How To Make Pop-tart Pencil cases
Components Zipper; Felt (kitchen viscose napkin); Glue; Shaving foam; Paint; Strong glue (hot glue). Preparation: 1. Cut in half into two rectangles a square out of beige felt or kitchen napkin. 2. Draw a wavy line around the outline and cut out the details along it. 3. Glue the rectangles to the zipper. 4. Stick […]
How To Make With Orbeez balls Pencil cases
Components Balls Orbeez; Transparent plastic film (vinyl); Parchment paper; Flat iron (regular iron); Velcro; Strong glue (hot glue). Preparation: 1. Soak Orbeez balls in water. 2. Take a transparent film from a plastic bag for documents, covers for notebooks (vinyl, a transparent plastic tablecloth, which you can see in hardware stores). 3. Cut a rectangle […]
How To Make Oreo Pencil cases
Components DVD case; Craft foam (cardboard); Shaving foam; Paint; Nail polish; Glue. Preparation: 1. Remove the cover from the packaging from the DVD and cut the film. 2. Cut two rectangles out of black craft foam or cardboard to the size of the package. 3. Glue them to the packaging. The base of the pencil […]
How To Make With an unicorn Pencil cases
Components Cardboard; Black marker; Glue. Preparation: 1. Fold A4 paper into three equal parts. 2. Fold the left and right corner. 3. Paste a strip of glue along the bottom of the left and central parts. 4. Glue the left side. 5. Then the right one. 6. Glue unicorn details out of color cardboard. 7. […]
How To Make With an owl Pencil cases
Components Cardboard; Markers; Glue. Preparation: 1. Mark up on cardboard: 9-10-19-20-22cm. 2. From this markup draw vertical lines and make a marking 18-19-20cm. 3. Draw horizontal lines. 4. Circle and cut a semicircle, use a wide tape as a template. 5. Cut the workpiece. 6. Glue. 7. Circle the ball deodorant cover on colored cardboard. […]
How To Make Bunny Organizers
Components Cardboard; A cup of coffee; Gift paper (foil); Glue. Preparation: 1. Draw a bunny and paws on cardboard. 2. Cut out the details. 3. Glue the details to a glass covered with silver gift paper or foil. A cup for pens and pencils is ready! Quick and easy!
How To Make Dachshund Organizers
Components Aluminum cans; Cardboard; Glue. Preparation: 1. Measure the height of the aluminum can on a colored cardboard. 2. Along the length of sheet A4, draw a face and a body of a dog. Cut the details. 3. Fold as shown in the photo and glue the face. 4. Glue an aluminum can to the […]
How To Make With a cap Organizers
Components Aluminum can; Cardboard; Plasticine; Sequins; Colored paper; Glue. Preparation: The base of this organizer will be an aluminum can, which will be closed with a cap in the form of a unicorn and other animals. 1. Measure and cut the cardboard to the height of the can. Attach to the can, curled into a […]
How To Make Cat Organizers
Components Сorrugated cardboard; Napkins; Glue; Paper; Paints; Plastic cap; Nail polish; Satin ribbon. Preparation: 1. Print the picture of the cat Pushin. 2. Cut it and circle it on corrugated cardboard. 3. Cut two details of corrugated cardboard. 4. Make markings with a pencil on one of them, as shown in the photo. 5. Cut […]
How To Make One more cat Organizers
Components Cardboard; Paper; Markers; Glue. Preparation: 1. Print or draw yourself cat on sheet A4. 2. Cut and circle the pattern on thick corrugated cardboard. Cut 2 pieces. 3. Paste over white paper. 4. From corrugated cardboard, cut one piece 6 * 14 cm and three parts 6 * 9 cm. 5. Paste over white […]