How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks


  • Paper;
  • Pencil;
  • Markers.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks


1. Take the yellow A4 sheet. Fold it and cut off the extra rectangle. It must be a square.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

2. Fold the square into a triangle.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

3. Fold up the right corner, then the left.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

4. Spread the construction. Bend the top corner down.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

5. Right fold up.

6. Bend the construction and fold the upper part of the right corner inward, forming a pocket.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

7. Do the same with the left side. The base of the bookmark is ready!

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

8. Draw and cut a pink cloud of ice cream.

9. Glue it on the pocket.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

10. Make cell markings with a pencil and a ruler, then circle with a marker.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

11. Add a cute face.

For convenience, make a hole in the paper with a hole punch. Use this paper with a hole as a stencil to create eye ice cream.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

12. Glue the topping and circle the contour of the bookmark with a black marker.

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

It looks very tasty! And the cat likes it 🙂

How To Make Ice Cream Bookmarks, School Supplies, School Supply, DIY, Bookmarks

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